Legal Heir Certificate Process & Procedure in Hyderabad Telangana giving guidance how to get a Legal Heir Certificate in Hyderabad and in and around Ranga Reddy District under the provisions of Indian Succession Act & Hindu Succession Act to claim the moveable or immoveable properties of deceased person by the Family Members or to his/her Successors who dies without making a will and leaving behind his/her various classes of heirs. The Indian Succession applies to Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists.

In Hyderabad only civil courts are competent to give Legal Heir Certificate or Succession Certificate and not by Revenue Officials like Tahsildar. Regarding immovable properties basing on the property value the stamp duty is in and around 1% as fixed by the court. Whereas for the movable properties like Bank SB account, FDs., Insurance Claims, Share Transfers etc 6% of stamp duty on the claiming amount.

The Government provided for speedy disposal if the property value/claiming amount for movables is below or up to Rs.10,00,000/- you may file before Administrator General, Hyderabad which is a State-wide Succession Court and dealing with to issuing Legal Heir Certificate or Succession Certificate for the heirs of the deceased person under the provisions of Under Section-29 of Administrator General Act, 1963 as amended by the Administrator General Amendment Act No.34 of 1999. You may approach appropriate court by filing appropriate Proceedings to get legal heir certificate or succession certificate.