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Legal Heir Certificate Procedure in Bangalore Karnataka, we offer services in getting Legal Heir Certificate in Bangalore for the citizen of Bangalore, and its surrounding areas of under the provisions of Indian Succession Act for moveable or immovable properties. The said Act would apply in case in a family where a male or female person dies without making a will and leaves behind various classes of heirs and property such as either moveable or immovable. The Indian Succession Act governs by the law relating to Hindus, Muslim, Christian, Parsi or a Jews. Our Law Associates dealing with the matters relating to Hindu Succession Act for the citizen of Bangalore. The said Act applies to Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists.
In Bangalore, the civil courts are competent to give Legal Heir Certificate and if the Property value or claiming amount is below or up to Rs.10,00,000/- Administrator General, Bangalore which is a State-wide Succession jurisdiction is issuing Legal Heir Certificate for the heirs of the deceased owner of either moveable or immovable properties in Bangalore areas under the provisions of Under Section-29 of Administrator General Act, 1963 as amended by the Administrator General Amendment Act No.34 of 1999 for which the Property value is below Rs.10,00,000/-. If the Property value is above Rs.10,00,000/- you may approach Civil Court by filing appropriate Proceedings for remedial justice.

- Legal Heir Certificate is also known as Succession Certificate.
- According to the Market value of the Property or claiming amount the jurisdiction will apply for the Succession Certificate/ Legal Heir Certificate.
- The Administrator General, Bangalore is the issuing authority of Legal Heir Certificate if the market value of the property or claiming amount below Rs.10,00,000/- and if above, may approach civil court of the respective jurisdiction.
- For getting Legal Heir Certificate the applicant should furnish his/her particulars, details of the property etc., by giving an Affidavit.
- Consent Affidavit for No-objection.
- Death Certificate of the deceased owner of the property.
- Market Value Certificate of the property from the Registrar of Stamps and Registrations. In respect of claiming amount such as Bank FDs, Bank balances, Insurance claims, Shares, continuation of loan, Bank lockers, in case of mortgage releasing of property documents etc., a statement from the authorities concerned is very much essential to submit before court.
- Two third party affidavits in Rs.10/- N.J. Stamp Paper.
- For Proof of Identity the applicant should furnish Ration Card/Voters ID Card/Pass Port/Service Proof etc.
- Other original documents relating to the claim of the property.
- Petition praying what he/she is claiming.